David Badillo的照片


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  • 0 条评语
  • 精通 English, Spanish; 正在学习 German
  • 34, 男
  • 成为会员的时间:2011
  • Welding inspector, Quality Control Improvment, Production...
  • Metalurgic And Materials Engenier
  • 未列出家乡
  • 个人主页已完成 75%



Im a guy that want to know new people i had the chance to traveled when i was a kid, and that experience liked me to much. then in the university i went to germany thats why im learning german i had 1 half year learning german and i like a lot all that trips i made.


im a personal activism to the Venus Project, thats my philosophy science, enjoy life, help people whit the things i know, learn, be happy, change the wolrd, the minds, think diferent think like my self and respecting ideas from other people that think diferent.

我为什么加入 Couchsurfing

i want to know new people, improve my lenguage skill in english and german,
to show how is the real mexico, its people, tradition, the good an bad about my country and to share a real view about i know of México.

Share what i know to others.


I like videogames, al entrentaiment and digital equipment like electronics, computer, chees, trading card games, japanese animation, Physics, maths, metals, listening music. any way i just enjoy knowing people, places and things, food, culture, i like very much try new experiences and learn, thats all about.

  • culture
  • books
  • folklore
  • beauty
  • dancing
  • dining
  • modeling
  • electronics
  • anime
  • movies
  • cars
  • music
  • guitar
  • animation
  • mathematics
  • physics
  • science
  • lakes


i like Science fiction, comedy, and documentals. Music heavy Metal, rock, hard rock, punk, daft punk, bozza, jazz, alternative. Books i enjoy reading about mexico history mayas, azteca, the revolution and tecnical information about science like energy or robotic, new material.


Niagara fall, the eifel tower, great lakes in michigan, Mayas and aztec piramids,


I can share to you local experiences, bars, restaurants, seensights, friends, i can learn almos anything, and i can teach about the Resource Based Economy, The Venus Project, playing Guitar, 3d Modeling, computer stuff, Quality Control, anime, videogames, cars, movies, lenguages.


Food, bed, meat, dinner, music, movies, books, bathroom, a good afternoon, a beauty night star sky, dance, friends, happiness, and all the things i do in the routinary life.


France, Germany


Mexico, United States

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